
OSU #polish team at Magnificon Expo 2017 (GAOMON supports S56K osu tablet giveaway)

Get a FREE GAOMON S56K osu! Tablet at Magnificon Expo 2017

goo.gl/wzeaFp. goo.gl/2G9EmA
Only Four steps:

  1. Like GAOMON FB Page (goo.gl/8hxeWr);
  2. Take a photo at convention while you are playing osu! with GAOMON S56K Tablet;
  3. Comment with the photo under this Post (goo.gl/smhhzD);
  4. Join Group: osu! Global (goo.gl/698ean ). 

*Only One Winner.
*Winner will get a free tablet which she/he is playing at convention.
*The winner will be chose by GAOMON.
*Giveaway will be end in 31-May, 2017.
*The winner will be contacted via FB and announced on the official GAOMON FB page on 1st June, 2017.
Tip: please make sure the photo is clear to see, contains computer screen which show playing osu and yourself.

Wygraj tablet GAOMON S56K na Magnificon Expo 2017

Wystarczy przejść cztery proste kroki:
1. Polub fanpage GAOMON na FB (goo.gl/8hxeWr)
2. W czasie trwania konwentu Magnificon EXPO 2017 przyjdź do sekcji osu! i zrób zdjęcie jak grasz przy stanowisku na tablecie GAOMON S56K.
3. Zamieść zrobione zdjęcie jako komentarz pod tym postem (goo.gl/smhhzD).
4. Dołącz do grupy osu! Global (goo.gl/698ean)

*Zwycięzcą zostanie jedna osoba wybrana przez GAOMON.
*Zwycięzca otrzyma jeden z tabletów GAOMON S56K wystawianych na konwencie Magnificon 2017.
*Konkurs kończy się 31 maja 2017
*Wynik konkursu zostanie ogłoszony na oficjalnej stronie GAOMON na Facebooku w dniu 1 czerwca 2017
*Ze zwycięzcą skontaktujemy się przez Facebook
*Przydatna uwaga: Upewnijcie się, że na zdjęciu wyraźnie widać was, ekran komputera na którym gracie w osu! oraz tablet graficzny GAOMON (Poproście opiekunów stanowiska o pomoc!)

Magnificon is a festival devoted to Japanese pop culture, and, to a lesser extent, its tradition and art. During the weekend, young people from all over the country meet to talk about animated films, Asian cinema, comics, electronic games, Japanese traditions, Japanese cuisine, cultural differences between Poland and the country of blossoming cherries, Asian music and many other topics.
The festival program consists of not only panel discussions, but also a number of competitions, concerts, meetings with guests, art workshops, performances, game tournaments and fairs and exhibitions. The whole is complemented by the fantastic atmosphere created by several thousand fans.

OSU #polish team MiOhi
#osu #gaomons56k #gaomonpentablet #osutablet

#osu #osugame #cosplay #osutablet #osu!tablet



GAOMON Graphics Tablet Driver Download–Windows & Mac

Below list out links to download the driver. Please download the corresponding driver to your graphics tablet. (update time: Dec 18, 2019) Product Model System Driver Pen Display PD2200 WINDOWS DOWNLOAD Pen Display PD156PRO WINDOWS DOWNLOAD Pen Display PD1561 WINDOWS DOWNLOAD Pen Display PD1560 WINDOWS DOWNLOAD Pen Display PD1161 WINDOWS DOWNLOAD Graphics Tablet M10K 2018 WINDOWS DOWNLOAD Graphics Tablet M106K WINDOWS DOWNLOAD Graphics Tablet S620 WINDOWS DOWNLOAD Graphics Tablet S56K WINDOWS DOWNLOAD Product Model System Driver Pen Display PD2200  macOS DOWNLOAD Pen Display PD156PRO  macOS DOWNLOAD Pen Display PD1561  macOS DOWNLOAD Pen Display PD1560  macOS DOWNLOAD Pen Display PD1161  macOS DOWNLOAD Graphics Tablet M10K 2018  macOS DOWNLOAD  Graphics Tablet M106K macOS DOWNLOAD  Graphics Tablet S620  macOS DOWNLOAD ...

GAOMON GIVEAWAY ACTIVITY - 7 pieces of GAOMON M106K Graphic Tablets totally for giveaway

Playing osu with GAOMON S56K Tablet at Magnificon Expo 2017

Thank you all to take part in Magnificon Expo 2017 at # osu room (They are playing osu with # GAOMON # S56K Tablet!) Winner will be announced soon! Particular Thanks to generous assistance from Adam Grelecki and OSU #polish team